Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget Airport in France following a warrant issued by the French National Police’s OFIM. This office, focused on preventing violence against minors, alleges that Durov is complicit in various crimes due to Telegram’s insufficient moderation and cooperation with law enforcement.
Impact on Toncoin and Allegations Against Telegram
Following the news of Durov’s arrest, Toncoin (TON) saw a significant drop of over 14.5%. The arrest is linked to a criminal complaint filed by OFIM, which claims that Telegram has become a hub for organized crime, including drug trafficking, distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and fraud. The complaint accuses Durov of failing to moderate the platform or cooperate with authorities, making him complicit in these illegal activities.
Reactions and Broader Implications
The situation has drawn significant attention, with public figures like Elon Musk advocating for Durov’s immediate release. Despite the serious allegations, Telegram’s public relations team has remained silent, not responding to requests for comment. According to French news network TF1, law enforcement officials expressed surprise that Durov traveled to France, knowing he was wanted in the country. The arrest has also been confirmed by major news outlets, including the BBC and Reuters.
Telegram Under Scrutiny
Law enforcement sources quoted by TF1 have expressed frustration over Telegram’s role in facilitating criminal activities. They claim that the platform has become a go-to for organized crime, with little to no intervention from Telegram’s management. The arrest of Durov may mark a significant turning point in how tech companies are held accountable for the content shared on their platforms.