Telegram has announced plans to disclose the IP addresses and personal details of users who misuse the platform. Despite this regulatory pressure, Toncoin (TON) continues to climb in price, unaffected so far by these developments.
Telegram’s Response to Regulatory Demands
Authorities have noticed that some users are exploiting Telegram’s “Search” feature to sell illegal goods. While this tool was designed to help users find public channels and bots, it’s now being misused by certain individuals. This misuse has jeopardized Telegram’s presence in countries like India.
In response, Telegram has ramped up efforts to combat illegal activities on the platform. A dedicated team of moderators, using AI technology, has been monitoring and reducing the circulation of harmful content. Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, stated that these measures have significantly curbed the spread of illicit material. However, to further comply with regulatory demands, Telegram has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, now stating that the platform may share user IP addresses and contact details if violations occur.
While these measures aim to discourage criminal activities, they have drawn criticism from privacy advocates. Many believe this move contradicts Telegram’s original mission of protecting user privacy and free speech.
TON Price Unaffected by Telegram’s Regulatory Challenges
Despite Telegram’s regulatory hurdles, the price of Toncoin (TON) has shown resilience. TON is currently trading at $5.68, having risen by 6.37% in the past 24 hours and 5.17% over the last week. So far, there is little evidence that the regulatory pressure on Telegram is negatively affecting TON’s market performance. However, this could change in the long term, depending on how the situation unfolds.
Durov emphasized that Telegram remains committed to maintaining its platform’s integrity for its nearly one billion users. However, some believe that these steps may undermine the company’s values of privacy and free speech, potentially affecting both Telegram and TON in the future.