Telegram, known for its previously lenient approach, has made a significant change in how it handles “illegal” activity on its platform. The shift comes just days after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France for allegedly failing to monitor and police unlawful content on the messaging app.
Major Policy Shift: Moderation in Private Chats
On Thursday, Telegram quietly updated its FAQ page, revealing that users in private chats can now report illegal content for review. This is a major departure from the app’s previous policy, where private groups were treated as off-limits to moderation. Now, users can flag illegal activity, allowing moderators to take action.
This change in stance could have a profound impact on how Telegram is perceived, especially as French authorities accuse the platform of enabling criminal activity. Telegram had long been criticized for allowing unregulated conversations, but with these new measures, it is moving towards stricter oversight.
CEO Arrest and the Impact on Telegram
Last month, French authorities arrested Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, accusing him of not doing enough to stop illegal activities on the platform. While Durov insists the charges are baseless, he remains in France awaiting trial. In a recent post on Telegram, Durov acknowledged that the platform’s rapid growth has made it easier for criminals to misuse it. He promised further changes to improve safety.
Telegram’s shift towards moderating private chats marks a new era for the messaging app, especially in the wake of its CEO’s legal troubles. By allowing users to flag illegal content in private conversations, the platform is taking steps to address concerns about its role in facilitating unlawful activity.